between tradition and evidence-based practice


9th Open Forum for Osteopathic Education conference


È il momento di accendere un dibattito sui modelli teorici adottati in osteopatia e lo faremo insieme alle menti critiche più brillanti del panorama osteopatico: il 7 e l’8 Novembre a Saronno con l’Open Forum for Osteopathic Education di OsEAN dedicato appunto ai Modelli osteopatici – tra tradizione e pratica basata sull’evidenza.

Accendiamo il dibattito

L’idea è quella di rispondere alla richiesta di una “Call for Paper” fatta da Steve Vogel con l’editoriale, pubblicato nel 2021 dall’IJOM e quindi confrontarsi sui modelli teorici finora adottati. Lo faremo coinvolgendo 17 illustri relatori, educatori e ricercatori di fama internazionale e provenienti da tutto il mondo.

Osteopatia: tra modelli tradizionali e nuove ricerche

Il dibattito è in questo preciso momento oltremodo necessario perché l’osteopatia e dunque la stessa educazione osteopatica si trovano ad affrontare un’importante transizione. Da un lato i modelli e le teorie della tradizione e dall’altro l’innovazione della ricerca che si riferisce al modello bio-psico-sociale.

Il modello bio-psico sociale e il trattamento manuale

Tra i sostenitori del modello bio-psico-sociale c’è anche chi si interroga sull’effetto reale del trattamento manuale sul corpo dei pazienti. Ecco allora, che diventa necessario porsi domande e tornare confrontarci e far dialogare la tradizione della terapia manuale con le nuove evidenze della ricerca.

Confrontiamoci insieme: ti aspettiamo

Come le altre edizioni, anche questa 9ª conferenza dell’Open Forum OsEAN è organizzata per docenti, educatori, professionisti e studenti in ambito osteopatico.

Perchè un open forum?

L’Osteopatia nell’ultimo decennio si è espansa con una velocità impressionante, aumentano le proposte formative che richiedono standard qualitativi sempre più elevati.

All’interno di questo panorama in cambiamento, istituti di formazione e professionisti cercano di migliorarsi e crescere individualmente, ma insieme si può fare meglio.

OsEAN, in quanto network, crede nell’importanza dello scambio e della cooperazione.

Gli Open Forum sono il risultato concreto di queste ferme convinzioni, nascono nel 2009 per offrire a tutti un’atmosfera cooperativa di dialogo, confronto e condivisione di best practice, ma anche aggiornamento.

Programma Open Forum 2024

7th November

8th November


Andrée Aubin


Andrée Aubin has a private practice in osteopathy since 1992 when she obtained her degree in osteopathy at the Centre ostéopathique du Québec (COQ) in Montreal, Quebec.

Amanda Banton

Osteopath, D.Prof (Ost)

Amanda Banton and Steven Vogel have collaborated in research and debate about models of osteopathy in research, teaching and practice…

Giacomo Consorti

D.O., MSc

Giacomo Consorti is an Italian osteopath and researcher. Co-founder of the thematic working group Osteopathy Track & Field and coordinator of the Education Department of the Istituto Superiore di Osteopatia (ISO) in Milan…

Marianne Damgaard Jensen

MSc BSc (Hons) Ost Med DO
Marianne Damgaard Jensen graduated from British College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM) in 1989. Since 1996 she has combined osteopathic practice with education…

Jerry Draper-Rodi

DProf (Ost), PG Dip, PG Cert, DO
Dr Jerry Draper-Rodi is the Director of the National Council for Osteopathic Research (NCOR) in the UK, an Associate Professor at the University College of Osteopathy (UCO)…

Assoc. Prof. Gary Fryer

PhD, BSc(Osteo), ND

Gary Fryer is an Associate Professor and Course Chair in Osteopathy at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. Gary completed his osteopathic training in 1990 and practiced osteopathy in Melbourne, Brisbane, and rural Victoria…

Nicholas Handoll

Nicholas Handoll, DO, FSCCO graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 1971. Dissatisfied with biomechanical models of osteopathy he took his first cranial course with the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation

Jason Haxton

MA, D.O. (hc)

Jason Haxton, MA, DO (h.c.) has been the Director of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine since January 2001. Besides managing the only Osteopathic Museum created in 1934, he makes multiple international trips each year…

Julian Knoff Ims

D.O. MSc.

Julian Knoff Ims, a native of Norway, transitioned from an international career in ballet, to osteopathy, graduating with distinction from the Institut Toulousain d’Ostéopathie (ITO) in 2018…

Alberto Maggiani

P.T, D.O., BSc

Alberto Maggiani studied neurorehabilitation at the University of Pisa in the 1980s before beginning and completing his osteopathy studies in Milan during the 1990s…

Hakim Mhadhbi

MSc, D.O.

Hakim Mhadhbi completed his osteopathic training in 2005 and practices osteopathy in Rennes, France. He also completed post-graduate degrees in clinical anatomy, imaging…

Daniel Orchard

BSc (Hons), BOst, MSc (Pain)

Danny Orchard lectures in NMS and Pain Science and writes the pain curriculum for the UCO…

Jory Pauwels


Jöry Pauwels (°1976) studied physiotherapy, manual therapy & education in teaching, continued at Flanders International College of Osteopathy, moving on from student to joint principal of FICO…

Stéphane Renaudo

D.O., MSc
Stéphane Renaudo has been working as an osteopath and trainer in France for over 25 years. He currently works as a clinician in Toulouse and is the educational director of the professional section of the Institut Toulousain d’Ostéopathie…

Matteo Turinetto

D.O. M.Sc. Ost. PgCert. Edu. mROI (MT)

Matteo Turinetto is senior lecturer, clinical tutor and Didactic Coordinator for Full time and Part time program at Istituto Superiore di Osteopatia (ISO)…

Paul Vaucher

PhD, MSc clinical trials, CAS health rights, DiO

Prof. Dr. Paul Vaucher has 19 years of experience in transdomain research working in applied social science, applied psychology, IT engineering and epidemiology…

Steven Vogel

Steven Vogel is Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) at the University College of Osteopathy. He practiced in the UK National Health Service in primary care for over 20 years alongside working in research, educational and clinical management. ..

Poster Presenter

Christoph J. Baeumer

Dr., DO, MSc paed ost

61 years old, married, 3 children. Orthopedic surgeon, Osteopath, Pain therapist, Nutritional Specialist Modern Mayr Medicine, Postural specialist, physician with biological medical office- science based. Medical office since 23 years…

Melanie Betournay

D.O., MSc.

Melanie graduated in Kinesiology at Université de Montréal and in Osteopathy at Centre Ostéopathique du Québec (COQ). She has been working with chronic pain clients since 2007 and developed an interest in the biopsychosocial approach…

Cyril Clouszeau


DO in 2001, MSc in 2007, teacher in osteopathic school since 2001, and researcher in ostéopathy since 2010…

Thomas Cornet


My name is Thomas Cornet, I’m 23 years old and I graduated osteopathic school in June 2021. Today, I’m practicing in two different offices in Brittany, France…

Irina Egorova


V.Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine, Head of the Department of the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University. In 1989, graduated from Leningrad Medical Institute of Pediatrics with a specialization in pediatric neurology; internship of children neurology…

Marco Farina

DO, BSc Ost (Hons), PGCert HE
In 2014, I received my Diploma in Osteopathy from AIMO, the Italian Academy of Osteopathic Medicine, and my BSc in Osteopathy from BCOM, the British College of Osteopathic Medicine…

Nicholas Gosselin


Gilda Moretto

Bsc Ost Hons

In 2016, I completed my studies in Osteopathy by obtaining the Diploma in Osteopathy (DO) and Bachelor of Science in Osteopathy (BSc Ost Hons) at AIMO. Since 2016 I have been practising as an Osteopath in my private practice in Milan…

Laurianne Pinloche

DO, MSc, PhD

Gratuated in Osteopathy in 2012, Msc STAPS 2013, PhD in STAPS 2022. Self-employed Osteopath. Teacher, pedagogic coordinator and Head of the Thesis and Research Department in CEESO Lyon…


Conference FeesRegularLate registration
 16 Maggio – 15 Ottobre16 Ottobre – 6 Novembre
Attendee€ 420.00€ 450.00
Presenters€ 220.00€ 250.00
Translator€ 220.00€ 220.00
Studente*€ 160.00 / € 145.00*€ 160.00 / € 145.00*

*Studenti OsEAN: tutti gli studenti delle scuole membri dell’OsEAN
hanno diritto a una quota scontata per la conferenza.
Rivolgiti direttamente alla tua scuola per ottenere il codice sconto.


Cosa aspetti?

Partecipa al dibattito più stimolante del mondo osteopatico.

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Se provieni dall’estero:
Daniela Mutafova
Project & Event Manager
E-Mail: office@osean.com

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Segreteria AIMO
Elisa Pirola
Laura Letruria

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Scegli tra gli hotel amici dell'Open Forum

Saranno due giorni molto stimolanti ed intensi per tutti i partecipanti, soprattutto per chi proviene da altre città, Regioni o fuori Italia.

Al fine di agevolare tutti gli ospiti abbiamo selezionato tre hotel situati vicino al luogo dell’evento con i quali sono state stipulate delle convenzioni speciali. Cercali nella mappa sottostante

Grand Milan Saronno ****

Via Varese 23, Saronno, Italy


Hotel Cyrano ****

Via IV Novembre 11/13, Saronno, Italy


+39 02 255 65 077


Hotel della Rotonda ****

Via Novara 53 – Saronno, Italy


+39 02 967669


Con il patrocinio di

Media partner

OsEAN Office

Frimbergergasse 6, 1130 Vienna, Austria
Daniela Mutafova – Project & Event Manager
E-Mail: office@osean.com

OsEAN – Osteopathisches Europäisches Akademisches Netzwerk

Frimbergergasse 6, 1130 Vienna, Austria

Email: office@osean.com
Website: www.osean.com

Non-profit association registered in Vienna, Austria, ZVR-Nr: 338998549